Bowen Therapy (is not a massage) it is however a unique and dynamic soft tissue therapy that has lasting effects and can be performed on both people and animals.
The Bowen technique addresses all soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia), it also has a profound affect on the skeleton, internal organs, lymphatic system, meridians and acupuncture/acupressure points as well as releasing trigger and stress points.
Bowen Therapy is therefore a physical and vibrational therapy that encourages the body to homeostatis (balance).

Your investment in you is $120.00 

Raindrop Therapy Technique

What is Raindrop?

Raindrop Technique® combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and bodywork in the application of essential oils to the feet, hoof, paw and the back. It is a tool you can use to reduce stress and tension, manage pain, strengthen the immune system, detox the body, and bring harmony to the heart and mind.

What is a Raindrop Technique® like?

Allow yourself to be taken on a journey of relaxation and harmony.
A session begins with an energy balance, then your feet, paw, hoof are pampered with Vitaflex, which is ancient Tibetan reflexology.
Purifying raindrops of therapeutic grade essential oils are then applied to the back. The oils fall through your aura cleansing your spiritual body before they splash upon your back.
Using spine tingling American Indian techniques the oils are then feathered in.
Muscles relax as they are anointed with these aromatic oils chosen specifically to stimulate your immune system and bring harmony and balance to your body, mind, emotions and spirit.
It is suitable for people of any age, and Animals in any state of health. It can be greatly beneficial as a single session, but if you truly desire to bring about change and certainty in your life and your pets life then explore regular sessions.

Your Investment in you $150.00 (Travel Costs may apply)

Ajna Light Therapy

Facilitates a deep personal transformation by activating the pineal gland. Helps you reach the deepest forms of meditation without any effort. Every session is unique to the client and you will experience something difference each time. 
The Ajna Light was developed in 2014 to help people explore their intimate connection with the wisdom of the universe.
In the early 19th century, a Czech anatomist Jan Purkyně was the first to document a hypnogogic effect, during which various pattern appear at different rates of flicker. This hypnogogic effect occurs when we transition between being awake and asleep, and is a form of trance or hypnosis. In the trance state, our mental defenses are lowered, and we are open to a greater awareness. More recently, in the 1910s, there was interest in this effect for generating a meditative effect, as each of the four brainwave patterns (alpha - alert, beta - relaxed, delta - meditative and theta - sleep) are stimulated by specific flicker frequencies. 
The flicker effect has been studied since the 1960s using EEG. Similar to the use of binaural beats in music for hypnotherapy, the use of a constant flicker rate in lights will induce a trance state and entrainment of brainwaves. 
The Ajna Light uses this effect, but has other unique design characteristics which take the process much further than previous technology.
The Ajna Light uses the latest high power LEDs to allow the hypnogogic trance state to be induced easily and rapidly, and as soon as the Ajna Light stops playing the light pattern sequence, the receiver can quickly come back to the normal alpha or beta brainwave condition without the side-effects of Ayahuasca or LSD. The Ajna Light will take the user on a shamanic trance journey to connect to the root of their being, stimulating the pineal gland to open up psychic vision in a harmonious natural and powerful way, in balance with their own physiology.
  Sessions are $2.00 a minute and can be from 10 mins to 60 mins.


Indian Head Massage, also know as a Champissage is an ancient healing practice that originated over 1000 years ago and is part of the practice Ayurveda.
Indian Head Massage involves massage of the back, upper back and shoulders, head, face and neck, in firm circular motions to  restore the body’s natural balance, it  stimulates and improves lymphatic drainage and blood flow to the neck – thus, helping to remove waste products from the body.
encourages the supply of oxygen to the brain because the flow of oxygen lifts your mood, helps you think clearly and reduces anxiety It helps to promote the well-being of all aspects of  human life - Physical, Emotional and  Spiritual.

The Lymphatic system is our front line of defence in fighting bodily infections, detoxifying the body and transporting metabolic wastes, excess water, bacteria and toxins out of the body. So here’s the thing: lymphatic drainage aids the body’s immune system and is highly recommended if you are prone to sore throats, colds, infections, on-going tiredness, excess fluid retention or low immunity. 
For the physically inactive this is especially beneficial.

Your investment in you $120.00 

DECU is an acronym for DNA Expression Cellular Upgrade. It is a method of reprogramming limiting belief systems on a cellular level.     Reprogramming the cells awakens an intelligence that is held within each of us. This intelligence, or Divine Technology, is the foundation of the evolved human experience. It is a technology that holds the highest human potential.The cells hold toxic memories, information/energy and dormant DNA, which repeat the degeneration cycle. We use DECU to upgrade the consciousness of your cells!  I will tune into the cells and clear the old programming that keeps you aging.

Yes, we are reprogramming the cells to create a New, more healthy, more vibrant, more desired by you...You!

Science is now proving that your cells have a consciousness just like your brain and heart. The cells hold the reflection of information from your unconscious mind, bringing them up through and into your awareness.

Using this process will amplify your AWAKENING!

What does it mean to heal the body through DECU? 
DECU is a method that reads the cell for agreements, contracts, or toxic programs and clears, cancels and deletes them from your cells, your organs and the brain. This is so that you can start to express/appear as the Divinely perfect Being you are meant to be!

Why is this so important?
Clearing the cells of programs and belief systems is important because it catapults you into being the Master of your own ship, which is the body you live in. This is a cutting edge way of living. There is nothing else out there like it! Once you form new habits through this experience, you will almost not recognise who you were before you started this. 

Sessions are available via Zoom or Messenger if you would prefer, give me a call and set up an appointment. 

Your investment in you is $150.00 


Vitaflex Technique is a unique "roll and release" type of movement. When performed on the body, it creates a deep sense of relaxation and release. Essential oils can be partnered with VitaFlex Technique, for added relaxation and emotional upliftment. 

VitaFlex Technique is similar to reflexology, in that it works on a specific part of the body such as the feet and hands, as a way of accessing the entire body. In fact, the full VitaFlex Technique takes about an hour to perform and covers the legs from the knees down to the ankles, and over the top and bottom of the feet and toes. This full technique offers an all-over body balance and will often incorporate specially selected essential oils, whose fragrance helps to deepen the entire experience...

Your investment in you is $120.00 

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