I started my wellness journey way back in the beginning of 2010, after the Toodyay fires. I met a lovely lady who was offering a Bowen session to any horses that were in need of some TLC after such a scary time. Chief was home alone when the fires went through and fortunately the wind changed at the last minute and took it off down the opposite direction. He was however very rattled because not only were the water helicopters flying around there were media helicopters also and the smoke and very windy conditions I knew he just needed a de-stress.
After watching this lady work and seeing the reaction from Chief I was hooked - and the rest they say is history. So while in Melbourne finishing my final module of my Equine Bowen Diploma. It was late on a Sunday afternoon and after 6 days of learning and assessments was really not in the mood to learn anymore - my brain was full. Then Artemis appeared with a bottle of Lavender and a bottle of Peppermint for us to inhale. Well within seconds my brain was awake and ready to go and I thought "bring it on". I was blown away by the potency of these oils and how they penetrated the senses. We listened to Artemis for about an hour and then she did a demo of the Raindrop Technique and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique on 2 separate horses.
I watched as these 2 horses relaxed and for want of a better word, melt into their bodies and transform from fidgety 'high spirited' beings (there were about 20 of us standing in a small space - so they were put on the spot a bit) to look like they were flying high in a state of bliss - their eyes bright and shiny, their mouths relaxed and with a sense of inner peace flowing through them. My intrigue for these oils deepened.
A month later my starter pack arrived and I have to say I was pretty much hooked from the beginning. My first port of call was the Raindrop Technique oils and then bit by bit the oils used for the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique.
I worked and played with the oils for over a year before being totally convinced that they were the real deal and not just the latest fad to come into the market. I gained my qualifications as a Raindrop Therapy Technique therapist for both Humans and Animals. With the animals - predominantly horses I have watched them go from trying to eat their trimmer to standing calmly and enjoying their feet being trimmed, running a mile in the opposite direction from the float to self loading, and from being scared of their own shadow to being confident and self assured. This goes for my human clients also - well maybe not the feet trimming and float loading but with self esteem and confidence and believing in themselves.
I draw on my own experiences also - after having a major operation I would give myself a Raindrop everyday and I didn't need half the pain killers they would try and shove down my throat. My head nurse was amazed and when I told him all about the oils he said 'No wonder you haven't needed the pain killers'. They aided in my recovery enormously. I continue to this day to give myself a Raindrop every Sunday evening.
During my oils journey also I completed my Diploma in Equine and Human Bowen and a Cert IV in Small Animal Bowen. If it wasn't for 2 of the most amazing oils that Young Living have I think I would have struggled. Well I was struggling - I would sit down to study and before I knew I had cleaned the house instead or found myself reading a book (on horses of course) or sorting my CD collection. So then Brain Power and Motivation came into my life and I would apply topically and diffuse before sitting down to study and after a while I would realise I had been sitting there for hours and I had achieved so much.
I have extended my studies over the years and added a few more tools to my toolbox by completing a Diploma in Indian Head Massage and Hot Stone Massage Therapy.